04 December 2007


VS has swallowed a Financial Dictionary! Genuinely, it is hard to know what to make of her deployment of the terms hypercapitalism, pollution socialism and equity schizophrenia [!] but Shiva times her latest rant in advance of the Bali meetings.

Source: IPS by Vandana Shiva

GLOBALISATION, EQUITY, AND CLIMATE CHANGE - The pollution created by corporations must be recognised as their responsibility and liability, no matter where they create it. Transferring their pollution burden to the poor of the South is not equity, it is injustice, writes Vandana Shiva, author and international campaigner for women and the environment. In this analysis, Shiva writes that in times of globalisation, global corporations are the main economic players, not countries, and global corporations out-source their pollution to the developing world to save costs and maximise profits. The author coins the term ''equity schizophrenia'', by which corporate globalisers destroy equity to concentrate wealth and resources in the hands of a wealthy few, while they want the poor, whom they have dispossessed of their livelihoods and land, to share the responsibility for pollution, which the poor did not cause. This is hypercapitalism of wealth and resources and socialism of pollution. The poor lose their ''goods'' to the rich and inherit their liabilities.

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