21 November 2007

BIOFUELS and CAMBODIAN FORESTS: fuelling felling, grabbing and odd economic arguments

PHNOM PENH: jatropha is being heralded as the silver bullet for biofuel production, sustainable rural livelihoods, small-scale alternatives to agriculutre and forest use, as well as a great way for poorer developing countries to access international funds. Of course, it is also a great way to fox communities, dodge legal requirements and make supernormal profits under the government and NGO radar.

Van Der Horst Biodiesel, a Singapore company that has invested in small pilot plantations of 1,000 hectares or less in China and Cambodia. Van der Horst is now negotiating for an additional 20,000 hectares in Cambodia, 10,000 hectares in Vietnam and 25,000 hectares on the Indonesian island of Seram. The company's business plan calls for it to build a biodiesel plant in Singapore, with a 200,000-ton annual production capacity, to process jatropha from its plantations in the region

Read mnore here in International Herald Tribune.

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